OSLO - JUNE 24-26 2025
Conference committee
- Kai Solum - Conference Chair - REN
- Siv Hauge – Conference Manager – REN
- Kjetil Løberg – Conference Manager - REN
- Espen Masvik - Project Manager - REN
- Petter Fyksen - Project Manager - REN
- Øyvind Slethei - Project Manager - REN
- Stian Hauge - Head of Production - Liwlig
- Jørgen Erstad - Producer - Liwlig
- Victoria Wiese - Information Contact Stand - Liwlig
Technical committee
- Kai Solum – President LWA, Managing Committee LWA - REN
- Gunnar Svendsen - Statnett
LWA members
- Antonio Piccolo - Managing Committee - Terna
- Bálint Németh - Managing Committee - BUTE (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
- Bogumil Dudek - Managing Committee - PSE S.A.
- Gregor Stern - Managing Committee - Elektro Gorenjska
- Jean-François Mougenet - Managing Committee - RTE-SERECT
- Jens Jühling - Managing Committee - BG ETEM
- Kai Solum - Managing Committee - REN
- Rui Bandeirinha - Managing Committee - E-REDES
- Stanislav Motejzik - Managing Committee - OMEXOM GA Energo
- Traian Fagarasan - Managing Committee - TRANSELECTRICA - SMART S.A. Sibiu Maintenance Company
- Vladimir Caha - Managing Committee - HEP ODS d.o.o.
- Andrea Zanotti - Technical Committee - Terna
- Jonathan Hirtz - Technical Committee - RTE-SERECT
- Jonny Aal - Technical Committee - Statnett
- Jose Manuel Cardoso - Technical Committee - EDP Distribuição
- Juraj Bacskai - Technical Committee - Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s.
- Klaus Duetsch - Technical Committee - Bayernwerk Netz GmbH
- Marek Loboda - Technical Committee - Polish Com.f.Stand.
- Marius Oltean - Technical Committee - Transelectrica
- Odd Arild Gaundal - Technical Committee - Tranamarka Energipark
- Tomas Gibala - Technical Committee - GIBALA s.r.o
- Vaclav Zid - Technical Committee - CEZ Distribucni sluzby, s.r.o
- Viktor Lovrencic - Technical Committee - C&G d.o.o
- Zoltan Lipovits - Technical Committee - ELMU net Ltd
- Öner Alican - Technical Committee - TEIAS
- Espen Masvik - National Committee - REN
- Kjetil Løberg - National Committee – REN
- Siv Hauge - National Committee – REN